Nowadays, in this busy life, hair fall or damage due to workload or any other tension has become a common problem. 95 out of 100 men or women are troubled by hair fall, split ends or damaged hair. So now if you have reached here then you do not need to panic. Because we have brought very cheap and unique ideas, which even a common man can easily add to his lifestyle. With this, you can get rid of hair fall and damage or split ends and other hair problems and what are the good hair care tips for hair, let us know further.

Best Hair Care Tips

There are hair tips for hair care, which can keep your hair safe and you can remain the owner of great hair for a long time. What are those tips, know below –

Oil Massage

Head massage should be done at least once or twice a week. By massaging the scalp, the hair roots get the necessary nourishment and the scalp becomes soft and dryness can be removed. Apart from becoming stronger from the roots, the hair can also become long, thick and beautiful. You can use coconut, olive, almond or castor oil for massage. If the oil is applied after slightly heating it, the results can be even better.

protection from pollution

For good and strong health of hair, it is important to protect them from external pollution. Pollution can cause scalp infection, itching or dandruff, which can prove to be very dangerous for your beautiful and delicate hair. Not only this, due to this, the hair can become weak from the roots, break and also become split ends. Therefore, it is very important to protect hair from environmental pollution.


Trimming from time to time is also very important for hair growth and health. This reduces the risk of split ends and weakening of hair. It also prevents your hair from getting entangled and breaking.

hair comb

When the hair is wet, dry it thoroughly first. Never use a comb on wet hair. This can cause hair breakage and loss of hair. Also use a comb with thick and open teeth. Apart from this, comb your hair at least two or four times a day, so that the hair does not get tangled together and the natural oil of the scalp spreads throughout the hair so that the hair can get proper nutrition from root to tip.

avoid hair dryer

After shampoo or conditioner, dry your hair gently with your hands instead of rubbing it with a towel or cloth or using hot air from a hair dryer. Excessive or daily use of hair dryer can weaken the hair from the roots. Even if you have to, keep the hair dryer on the cooling setting which will be appropriate for your hair. A good quality microfiber towel can also be used to dry the hair. It is very soft and good for hair. Also, compared to other towels, it absorbs water quickly by creating less friction in the hair, which reduces the number of split ends.

avoid hot water

Many people use very hot water to wash their hair, which should not be done at all. Using hot water can cause hair to lose moisture and shine. Due to this, hair can become tangled, dry and lifeless. Therefore, always use lukewarm or cold water to wash hair, which is suitable for the health of hair.

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