Today, 'Sleep Like a Baby' is left only as a statement, as most children are facing sleep problems today. Out of 24 hours a day, children should theoretically sleep for at least 10–11 hours. But an increasing number of poor sleep in children, thus causing mental and physical health problems. In a world where we are active, where we have adapted to all the sophisticated ways of living, it has become almost normal. But is it really normal for children to suffer on this issue? Well, of course not. Actually poor sleep can be hidden signs of your health issues. These signs require immediate attention and treatment. Which can help the child to be normal. Dr. Atish Laddar, Founder and Director, doctors, has elaborated on all aspects of sleep deprivation in children.

Sleep apnea in children

The most common health problems associated with sleep are sleep apnea in children. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most prevalent form, which basically blocks the airways at bedtime. The resulting airflow is blocked. If the child is fat, there will be pressure on the upper airways, which affects their sleep. Breastfeeding prevents upper airway dysfunctions, which causes sleep disorder breathing. This risk is reduced with continued breast feeding and hence it is also a reason that newborns are advised to breastfeed for at least six months.

Sleep apnea in children should not be ignored and should be treated. Because it can lead to serious health conditions related to the heart - especially in obese children and behavior problems.


Obesity is another common feature for lack of sleep in children. Whereas it was always understood that oversleeping and lack of physical activity lead to obesity. Whereas, when you are not getting enough sleep, it also leads to your obesity. In such a way there is a change in the hormones of your body and it affects various functions of the body. It is particularly affecting the appetite, which leads one to eat unhealthy calorie-rich food. This results in obesity and this obesity has many side effects, such as heart related problems, diabetes etc. Lack of sleep can make things worse.

Behavioral problems

Lack of sleep is also seen in child behavior. Such as - being hyper, aggressive towards peers, not stopping anger and mood changes. These basic issues are problems that young minds should not face. Lack of sleep can make a child irritable, which encourages them to do destructive and harmful activities.

Effect on thinking ability

While you have many avenues to learn new things, sleep also plays an important role in that. Lack of sleep always makes a person distracted, inattentive and unable to solve the problem. Because of this, children cannot learn and progress, this will be especially difficult with everyone. Due to which they will not be able to perform well in their academic assessment.

Why does the child have difficulty sleeping?

Unlike adults, children have the happiest phase to enjoy their lives, not the stresses and anxieties that affect childhood and the world. But a lot of outdoor activities in his life, which keep him busy. So that the children cannot sleep easily.

Gadget time extended

Children channel most of their energies by entangling themselves in outdoor activities. This will give them pleasure in some sports and also encourage physical exercise. However, today's generation is devoid of this fun. This may be due to the maximum time that children spend with electronic devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and other devices, either playing online games or participating in social media. There are problems such as headaches and loss of eyesight due to lack of sleep due to overuse of gadgets. This is the reason why most children today have glasses in their eyes.

Eating sugar and junk food

Eating sweets especially before bedtime will increase the amount of sugar in the body and disrupt sleep patterns. Sugar activates glucose in the body and the child becomes hyperactive. It is a good idea to feed the children early dinner and to stop serving sweets at night. Especially on weekdays when they have to go to school the next day.

Tips for parents

1. Parents should monitor that the child sleeps at least 10 hours daily.

2. Make this habit of discipline in children so that they can eat and sleep on time. If done, it can help to solve the problem of sleeplessness in children.

3. Turn off electronics gadgets, ie avoid gadgets / tabs / games just before the child goes to sleep.

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