Raised instances of corona infection have been put on lockdown in the majority of countries. Specialists claim that people should wash their hands from time to time to prevent corona. Additionally, it is really crucial to disinfect your mobile phone at taken care of periods.



  • More than 80 percent of mobile phones are infected
  • 18 percent more dirty than public toilets
  • More than 17000 bacterial genes can be stored on any mobile phone.

Cleaning the phone at least once daily is good enough.

Clean mobile like this

You can use a soft cotton cloth or a microfiber cloth to clean your phone. Dip one corner of cloth lightly in a solution of water or soap and then gently wipe the device with it. This will clear your phone to a great extent. Keep in mind that water should not go inside the device. Also can use antiviral wipe. Put a few drops of sanitizer on the screen and on your phone and clean it slowly. Do not use a laisol wipe, as it can damage the coating of your phone over time.

Apple also believed

It is necessary to clean the phone until some time ago, the mobile company Apple refused to clean the phone. But earlier this month, Apple also admitted that you can clean your phone with a disinfectant cloth.

Microfiber cloth

Microfiber cloth should be used to clean the phone. It has the ability to kill bacteria. You can then wash the microfiber cloth and use it again.

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